Toxocara canis en perros pdf

The name is derived from the greek word toxon, meaning bow or quiver, and the latin word caro, meaning flesh. This species of roundworm can be transmitted to people by contact with contaminated feces or soil. Toxocara canis is the most common parasitic worm found in dogs. Toxocara canis is gonochoristic, adult worms measure from 9 to 18 cm, are. Toxocariasis is a zoonotic disease of great importance in terms of its morbidity that toxocara canis and its clinical and epidemiological relevance in the human beings, del bacillus. Groothousen2, alejandra maria zuniga2, marcelo contreras2, alejandra m. Humans may accidentally ingest eggs in soil contaminated by stool from infected animals or may ingest undercooked infected transfer hosts eg, rabbits. Toxocara canis also known as dog roundworm is a worldwidedistributed helminth parasite of dogs and other canids. Honduras, perros, toxocara canis, toxocariasis, zoonosis.

Geographic distribution of toxocariasis is worldwide and seropositivity of toxocara antibody varies from 2. Echinococcus, taenia solium, toxocara canis, sarcocystis, etc. They live in the small intestine of the definitive host. Jul 29, 2014 toxocariasis is one of most common zoonotic infections worldwide mostly caused by toxocara canis and less frequently by other roundworms such as toxocara cati 1, 2. Learn toxocara canis with free interactive flashcards. Toxocara canis in dogs symptoms, causes, diagnosis.

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